Thursday, May 9, 2013

Shiny Object Syndrome

If you have been reading this blog you probably think I babble on and on - first, you are correct, 2nd, you can move on anytime :)

I haven't even told my 'full' story on here because it would take 3 blog pages for me to get all the history and story on here...Long story short, I've done and tried a lot...

What I want to talk about it Shiny Object Syndrome. How many different programs or even just ad resources have you tried? If you've been online marketing for more than an hour you will see SO MANY things to try and buy -

1st month I was online I had Big Red Button syndrome. I think Shiny Object Syndrome is a more apt description, but I basically had visions of Easy $$$$ - I signed up for an affiliate program, joined a traffic exchange and sent 100 hits to it...In my mind, at the time, I was already envisioning my 1st check for several hundred bucks and how easily this was all gonna be...

Didn't take long for me to realize didn't work QUITE that easy :)

The point, I'm TRYING to get back to, is that every single product or service online can be catchy and flashy - These guys know what they are doing, believe me...It's flash and promises of overnight wealth - When we don't hit that overnight wealth, we scream SCAM, right? That's what happens - we get online, thinking it's a piece of cake, send me my money comes in, it's a SCAM

never realizing that maybe it needs to be treated like a business and you need to look at it like your BUILDING a business from home...

I'm off point again - My biggest problem was shiny object syndrome...I would join program after program, use this new ad exchange, this new safelist, this new traffic exchange - Guys & Gals, I used to spend 2-3 hours each night surfing 8-10 traffic exchanges EVERY SINGLE NIGHT...I put the time in and still got no results

I wasn't focused - I didn't realize that I needed 100% focus on 1 thing, repetitively (i'm not going to talk about the lack of value in traffic exchanges/safelists/etc)

Stat Time: 92% of online marketers make LESS than $100/month - A new person jumps into the online marketing world every 2 seconds...

We have 92% of MILLIONS of people FAILING...

You must maintain absolute focus on 1 thing in order to succeed - You cannot bounce around trying to promote 5 different things.

Looking back, I didn't have the results I wanted...But I realize that I DID get results when I focused. I got over 1,200 people to join my personal mailing list at affiliate curve - How? I advertised nothing but that for 6 months. I have 300+ referrals at traffic exchanges like Traffic-Splash, WebBiz Insider, ILoveHits, EasyHits4U etc - Why? Because I did traffic exchange profits exclusively for MONTHS. I got over 300 signups in GDI and made the leaderboard for nearly 2 months straight - How? By advertising JUST GDI over and over and over...

Theres more, but i'm trying to stay on point (really, I am haha)

You must maintain absolute focus on 1 thing - you can't bee bop around trying this and that and then moving right on when you don't get results from it. Unless you are a 'big dog' in the online marketing world, you will not succeed.

Why am I focused on Instant Payday Network? For me, it's simple: I just promote 1 page. My only goal is to get a lead - Everything else is built in and automated. MyCashFreebies & DoubleMyCashFreebies pay me $20 & $30 for referrals who complete FREE Offers. Behind this is Empower Network, a residual income builder that has produced some staggering income results for thousands of people.

My only job is to drive traffic - that is something I can do - There is definitely better traffic, and that costs money, but I'm not promoting 4 different pages or links - I just say "check this out", hope to get a lead, and hope that lead follows up and sees the beauty of Instant Payday Network...

It's still a saturated market, and with the traffic sources i 'know', it's not good quality (16k clicks in month 1, 31 leads....02% opt in when the big dogs are getting 10%+ opting in) But again, that's my free traffic and it takes me 5 min's per day -

Find what works for you, find what you want to achieve, and STAY FOCUSED - wow, i went more than a little off point there :)

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